Ergonomic Posture and Balance: This uncovers the hidden reason why so many people suffer from back pain, neck pain, and headaches. This station can determine if your pain is coming from muscle, joint or nerve.
At Advanced Medical of Florida, our team of physicians and qualified staff look forward to helping your corporation take care of your employees.
Our purpose is to educate your employees about health matters and concerns. We conduct workshops that gives your corporation factual and usable information on the causes of stress and how to combat those causes. Our exciting workshops or health fairs will give your company the various solutions to maintain optimal health and high productivity.
Lost Productivity: The price tag of
staff who ignore health problems!
According to the results of a recent survey published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, working through pain is actually more costly than if you had missed work to get your problem handled.
Nearly 29,000 working Americans participated in the survey. Lost productivity was a result of working through the pain.
More than 50% of the participants reported headaches, backache, arthritis and other types of musculoskeletal pain in the two weeks prior to the survey.
According to researchers, pain cost workers an average of 4.6 hours of productivity time each week.
The cost of lost productivity to employers is estimated at $61.2 billion!

Blood Pressure and Stress Survey: This station combines blood pressure with a Stress Survey to evaluate if the effects of stress are producing negative effects on your body, this uncovers why Stress is known as the Silent Killer.

Percent of Body Fat: This station gives an accurate reading of the person’s percent of body fat. This test coupled with our blood test stations can uncover if the employee is headed for heart disease and/or diabetes.
Blood Work Station: This station evaluates two key blood components, Cholesterol, and Glucose. These two tests can give great insight as to how your health is and where it is headed.

Relaxation Station: Relaxing massage and an ergonomic posture check make up a very popular mini Health Fair event. After your posture check, we would suggest some posture exercises that can be done to fight pain and fatigue right at your work station.
Advanced Medical of Florida’s purpose in Tampa Bay is to make Corporate Health Fairs a fun event, educational and helpful so that employees look forward to this every year!