Chiropractors treatment consists of a spinal manipulation, sometimes referred to as a chiropractic adjustment. The purpose of a spinal manipulation is to restore joint mobility by applying a controlled force into the joints that have become hypomobile – or restricted in their movement and possibly pinching a nerve – as a result of a tissue injury or poor posture/ergonomics.
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care is a form of alternative medicine mostly concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.
Our Chiropractor
Our Doctor of Chiropractic, Dr. Amanpreet Bhathal has developed many positive
relationships in our community and has Presented over 100 times throughout
Tampa Bay, on Fall prevention and Peripheral Neuropathy. In addition, Dr. Bhathal
has helped many patients in our community get relief from their conditions and has
received many positive reviews/testimonials from our patients.
Why choose us?
Our Chiropractic care has helped patients having a variety of issues such as:
Car accident injuries
Neck pain or back pain
Pinched nerves

At Advanced Medical of Florida, our chiropractic treatment consists of gentle/low force techniques that feel great for patients while helping to resolve their issues. Our chiropractic care has helped children, teenagers, adults, and seniors.
We provide the needed time and attention to each of our patients and we value the importance of educating our patients about chiropractic care to complement the treatment process.